Sunday, February 22, 2009

I just wanted to vent

hi everyone its almost the end of febuary. The weather has been crappy here one day its 15 below the next its 50 degrees u never know in Michigan. I havent been feeling really great lately am not sure what is going on. I have been sleeping alot as well as trying to manage my mail from all the yahoo groups I am in. The 2 pc groups I am in are awesome I am getting so many patterns from them I have to sit and decide what ones I want to make and for whom. We got the news that our tax refund was going to be late due to a mistake I made everyone has told me I shouldnt be hard on myselve well folks thats just the way I am especially when u r looking to use the money to do this and pay that or visa versa if u know what I mean. Its just frustrating well I know it will come just when we need it most.
we did get our van back, it was the battery but also something called the wiring harness is getting old so if we shut it off and it doesnt want to start earl has to get out open the hood and jiggle the harness andit will start that is until we get another one if they can find one. ALL THIS I AM LEAVING UP TO THE GOOD LORD ABOVE I am not going to worry about it cause worry is fear. and we r not suppose to be afraid AMEN
love ya all plz comment after u read

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I am back in swing of things

Hi everyone just wanted to make a quick note to let you know I am back. Things have been ruff lately. Our van broke down, couldnt get it fixed till this week. We will hopefully find out what is wrong with it friday. Pray that it is minor with a capitol "M". We have been busy every sunday seeing my daughter and granddaughters which is alot of fun and we really enjoy it as well. I hope they do also. I am back into plastic canvas big time and totally enjoying it. I do still do crocheting but not as much as I did before. Well I guess that is it I am going to do some stitching and I will write more later have a great day. BE BLESSED NOT STRESSED GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE
hugs debbie